
Crop Club

Click on the above photo to check out a video on the 2017 Crop Club!

For the 2017 Crop Club Trial Results, click below:

Crop Club Trial Results 2017


“Our goal is to make this a showcase field every year and to be the envy of the Agricultural Community,” said Craig Davidson of Taurus Ag.

This unique and multi faceted opportunity to showcase your organization and your agricultural product innovations all summer long in the field and year-round at Tundra Oil & Gas Place agriculturally designated “Soil Zone”

Advantages of being an Official AG Partner of the Oil and Crops Club:

  • Committed to producing a high yielding, high, quality crop annually to showcase your new products at the field level.
  • The Virden Oil Capitals create an aggressive branding and growth strategy for the South Western Manitoba and South Eastern Saskatchewan area and beyond.
  • Full field signage, summer crop tour, media involvement and hockey team involvement at harvest, product demonstrations, yield mapping, head to heads and showcasing of technologies to come.
  • Solid agronomy package with efforts to produce a top end yield bringing maximum exposure to our Agricultural Marketing Partners.
  • Creation of a story board on our cropping process, products users, values generated and expected benefits to area growers.
  • Corporate branding will be showcased in the “Soil Zone” at all the Virden Oil Capitals Home Games.


A big thanks to Valleyview Co-op for being the official fuel provider of the Crop Club!




Crop Club photos:






Your input in the form of product or equipment which creates an economical option to brand awareness. Contact the marketing department of the Virden Oil Caps and ask how you can become an agriculture partner.